Thursday, April 8, 2010

Recipe - Vanilla Pudding

Makes 2 Large servings or 4 small servings

I love vanilla pudding, but am not always in the mood for the egg-custard style instant stuff you can get at the store. For this vanilla pudding recipe, the consistency is closer to yogurt because it doesn't have eggs in it. Try it for yourself.


1/4 cup of sugar (I prefer baking sugar)
3 tablespoons of Corn Starch
1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
1/4 teaspoon of salt
2 cups of cold whole milk (I prefer non-homogenized)
1 tablespoon of butter


1. In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, corn starch, salt and the cold milk with a whisk until all the dry ingredients have dissolved. Note: The important thing with working with cornstarch is to mix it into a cold liquid because corn starch does not dissolve well in warm liquids.
2. Pour the mixture into a medium sauce pan and add the butter.
3. Heat the mixture over medium heat while constantly stirring. The mixture should heat up but not boil over. Once you get bubbles forming on the sides of the pan, you have enough heat, and you may need to adjust according to your stove.
4. Continue stirring until the mixture thickens enough that it leaves a coat of sauce on the spoon.
5. Divide mixture between small serving bowls or cups and refrigerate before serving.

I like to serve this dish topped with fresh berries, jams, preserves, or even canned fruit (like peaches).

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